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PVF Roundtable Scholarship Fund changing lives in South Texas

Impressive statistics seem to gravitate toward the PVF Roundtable.

For starters, the Houston-based industrial PVF networking organization now routinely draws between 400 and 500 attendees to its quarterly meetings and an all-time record crowd is expected to fill the Marriott Westchase in Houston Tuesday, Oct. 17 (4:15 p.m. start) where NFL great Terry Bradshaw will be a guest speaker.

Additionally, the group’s PVF Roundtable Scholarship Fund has awarded $350,000 in scholarships to four colleges/universities since its inception. That number will balloon even higher later this year when the Roundtable awards its 2017 scholarships.

But that $350,000 number pales in comparison to what the Roundtable is accomplishing with these scholarships, both in providing opportunities for young professionals to enter various parts of the industrial supply chain and in helping the industry solve the ever-intensifying dilemma of attracting, training and retaining the next generation of professionals.

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